Jason Bonham Says His Wife Kept Him Sane After Led Zeppelin Asked Him To Change “EXPERIENCE” Name

Jason Bonham Says His Wife Kept Him Sane After Led Zeppelin Asked Him To Change “EXPERIENCE” Name

Jason Bonham, son of Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham, had always performed with the name “Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience” – until Led Zeppelin recently asked him to change it to “Led Zeppelin Evening.”

“I got a letter from their attorney, who happens to be my attorney as well,” Bonham told Billboard. “As I read the first few lines, I felt very upset. It was my wife who saved me from getting into a rage; I was about to group-dial Jimmy [Page], John Paul [Jones] and Robert [Plant] and go, ‘What the hell…!’ but she said, ‘Read the rest.’ And I saw it wasn’t personal. They wanted to free up the terminology. It was my wife who said, ‘Why don’t you call it ‘JASON BONHAM’S LED ZEPPELIN EVENING’ — that way I could keep the logo the same. I said, ‘You’re a genius! That’s why I’ve been with you 30 years!'”


Read the full story on Blabbermouth.


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