AC/DC Will Reportedly Tour This Fall After Releasing New Album

AC/DC Will Reportedly Tour This Fall After Releasing New Album

(Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

Not only is a new AC/DC album on the way, but the band may also be embarking on an Australian tour!

Australian broadcaster Eddie McGuire announced the news on his Triple M Melbourne morning show today (Jan. 20). According to reports, Angus Young will be joining Brian Johnson and Phil Rudd.

“There has been speculation, but my mail is there will be a new album released by AC/DC [in] February, March this year,” McGuire said. “But also that AC/DC will be touring Australia, October [and] November 2020. And, after a lot of work and a lot of technical research, they have been able to get a hearing aid for Brian Johnson, who will be out front.”

Listen to the clip below.


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