“Make Music Winter” Coming To Los Angeles on December 21st

“Make Music Winter” Coming To Los Angeles on December 21st

Bell by Bell - Make Music Winter

Bell by Bell – Make Music Winter

The shortest day of the year doesn’t have to be a sad one. On December 21st, “Make Music Winter” (presented by NAMM) will be taking place across multiple cities throughout the country, including Los Angeles! The free musical celebration will consist of outdoor performances, parades, and various other music events.

According to this press release, “The musical celebration on the shortest day (and longest night) of the year brings together people of all musical abilities and styles to sing, play, march and dance their way across streets, parks, and other public spaces. “

Along with LA, “Make Music Winter” will also take place in Fullerton, Long Beach, Denver, Knoxville, Nashville, Miami, Madison, and many more.

To learn more about the upcoming event and check out the schedule, click the link below:



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